NSW sustainable building: What is a sustainable home?

NSW sustainable building: What is a sustainable home?

NSW sustainable building: What is a sustainable home?

Sustainability is the way of the future, especially when it comes to Australian home building. McDonald Jones Homes focuses on sustainable house features while building dream homes across New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory. Let’s dive into what the word sustainability means and what it takes to make a home sustainable.

Introduction to sustainable house NSW

Sustainability refers to long-term maintenance and support of life systems and the environment. Businesses, activities and ways of life can all be sustainable and support long-term processes. Solar panels, insulation and smart technology are all used to make homes more sustainable with reduced impact on the surrounding environment. Sustainable house designs are the way of the future, offering increased energy efficiency while keeping the planet in mind.

Sustainable building with solar panels

One of the most significant sustainable house features is a solar panel system. Residential solar panels are typically installed on the roof to convert sunlight into electric currents to power the home. The Australian Government encourages homeowners to invest in solar panels with renewable power incentives, and the top home builders offer convenient, cost-effective solutions, too. As an example, McDonald Jones Homes proudly partners with SolarPay by EnergyBuild to deliver a greener, smarter future for homeowners. You can have solar panels installed during the initial home build, so they start generating energy and delivering power as soon as you move in.

Natural light & airflow

Natural light and airflow

Other sustainable house ideas include using natural light and airflow to your advantage. Modern house designs lead the way in sustainable spaces with big open floor plans and large windows to let light in. Save on energy consumption by using natural light to heat the home during cooler months and install smart window coverings to keep it cool during summer. High performance windows and insulation are proven ways to increase efficiency in your home, too.

Energy efficient appliances

Solar panels and natural light play a big part in sustainable homes, as do energy efficient appliances. Always check the Energy Star rating to ensure your appliances offer premium power and performance. Your home builder can walk you through the different options, with various kitchen and home appliances available at a range of price points. 
Once you decide on the most efficient cooktop, oven, microwave, fridge, dishwasher and laundry machine for your home, remember to conserve resources whenever possible. A few ways to do this include:

  • Switch off the power point whenever appliances are not in use.
  • Only run full loads in the dishwasher and laundry machine.
  • Defrost frozen foods in the fridge before cooking to use less energy in the oven or microwave.
  • Consider smart appliances and home automation systems that conserve energy automatically.

Get started on a sustainable house NSW

McDonald Jones Homes can bring these sustainable house ideas to life. If you’re ready to take the next step and start building in New South Wales or Australian Capital Territory, please get in touch. Call 1300 555 382 today to learn more about our sustainable house designs.